The Best CRM for a Life Coach

Oct 11, 2023 | Keap / Infusionsoft

The Best CRM for a Life Coach

What is a CRM?

A CRM, which stands for Customer Relationship Management, is a powerful software tool designed to streamline and enhance how businesses manage their relationships with clients and potential clients. Think of it as a digital command center for all things related to customer interactions.

A CRM functions like a supercharged digital address book at its most basic level. But it goes far beyond just storing names and contact details. Here’s a deeper dive into its features:

  • Centralized Client Profiles: Each client gets a detailed profile within a CRM. This profile can include contact information, preferences, past interactions, purchase history, and even personal notes like birthdays or anniversaries. For a life coach, this could mean tracking a client’s goals, milestones achieved, challenges faced, and session summaries.
  • Interaction Tracking: Every time you interact with a client, whether by email, a phone call, or a face-to-face meeting, you can log it in the CRM. This ensures you have a running record of all communications, which can be invaluable for understanding the client’s journey and providing consistent communication.
  • Appointment Management: Many CRMs come with built-in calendar systems. You can schedule sessions, set reminders, and even allow clients to book appointments. No more back-and-forth emails trying to find a suitable time slot!
  • Task and Goal Setting: CRMs often allow users to set tasks or goals. For a life coach, this could be used to track a client’s progress toward their objectives or to remind oneself of tasks like following up after a particularly intense session.
  • Data Security: In today’s digital age, protecting client information is paramount. CRMs use advanced security measures to protect sensitive data from prying eyes.
  • Integration Capabilities: Many CRMs can integrate with other software tools, such as email platforms, social media, or financial software. This means all your tools can “talk” to each other, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

A CRM is a one-stop shop for managing all aspects of a client relationship. It eliminates the need for scattered notes, disjointed email chains, and forgotten details. Instead, everything is organized, easily accessible, and optimized to enhance the client experience.

Why Should a Life Coach Use a CRM?

Being a life coach is more than just guiding clients; it’s about building and maintaining solid, trust-filled relationships. A CRM can be an invaluable tool in this journey. Here’s a deeper look into why every life coach should consider integrating a CRM into their practice:

  • Better Client Management:
    • Holistic Client View: With a CRM, a life coach can have a 360-degree view of each client. This means knowing their goals and their history, past challenges, milestones achieved, and even personal preferences. Such comprehensive knowledge allows for more personalized and effective coaching sessions.
    • Organized Session Notes: Instead of having notes scattered across various notebooks or digital files, a CRM provides a centralized space where all session notes can be stored, categorized, and easily retrieved. This ensures that no crucial detail is overlooked in future sessions.
    • Progress Tracking: CRMs often come with features allowing coaches to set and monitor client milestones. This can be instrumental in showing clients how far they’ve come and what they’ve achieved, boosting their motivation and confidence.
  • Scheduling Made Easy:
    • Integrated Calendars: Many CRMs offer integrated calendar systems, allowing life coaches to see their availability at a glance and schedule sessions without conflicts.
    • Automated Reminders: Forget about missed sessions! With automated reminders, the coach and the client receive notifications about upcoming appointments, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
    • Client Self-Booking: Some advanced CRMs offer features where clients can book their own sessions based on the coach’s availability, reducing the administrative burden on the coach and giving clients flexibility.
  • Grow Your Business:
    • Client Retention: By offering a more organized and personalized coaching experience, clients are more likely to stick around and even recommend the coach to others.
    • Identify Opportunities: A CRM can help life coaches identify clients who might benefit from additional sessions or different coaching packages. For instance, a coach might suggest a maintenance or follow-up package if a client is nearing their goal.
    • Marketing Integration: Many CRMs can integrate with email marketing platforms, allowing life coaches to send newsletters, updates, or special offers to their clients. This not only helps in retaining existing clients but can also attract new ones.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: With the analytics provided by a CRM, life coaches can identify trends, see which services are most popular, and even get feedback on their coaching methods. This data can be invaluable for making informed decisions about business growth and service offerings.

In essence, a CRM is not just a tool for organization; it’s a strategic asset that can elevate the quality of coaching, enhance client relationships, and drive business growth. Every life coach, whether just starting out or well-established, can benefit from a CRM’s myriad features and capabilities.

keap for Life coaches client data management

How to Get Started with a CRM

Embarking on your CRM journey may seem daunting. Still, it can be a smooth and rewarding experience with the proper steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get started:

Choose the Right CRM:

  • Research and Compare: With so many CRMs available on the market, doing your homework is essential. Look for features that align with your needs, read reviews, and try out a few demos.
  • Budget Considerations: While some CRMs offer basic features for free, others might have monthly or yearly subscription fees. Ensure the CRM you choose offers value for its price.
  • Why Not Try Keap? If you’re overwhelmed with choices, I recommend giving Keap a shot. Formerly known as Infusionsoft, Keap is not just a CRM but a robust all-in-one sales and marketing platform. It’s user-friendly, offers many features tailored for businesses like life coaching, and provides excellent customer support. Its scalability ensures it grows with your business, making it a worthy long-term investment.

Input Client Data:

  • Gather All Client Information: Before diving into the CRM, ensure you have all your client data at hand. This includes contact details, session notes, goals, milestones, and other relevant information.
  • Use a Spreadsheet: Organizing your client data in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file can make importing seamless. Most CRMs, including Keap, offer easy data import options from CSV files. If you need more clarification on this step, don’t fret! I’m here to guide you through the process.

Familiarize Yourself:

  • Take a Tour: Most CRMs like Keap offer a guided tour or tutorial for new users. This is a great way to get acquainted with the platform’s layout and basic features.
  • Explore Key Features: Dive deeper into the CRM’s capabilities. Learn to schedule sessions, set reminders, log interactions, and more. The more you explore, the more comfortable you’ll become.
  • Seek Help When Needed: Don’t hesitate to contact the CRM’s support team if you encounter any challenges. Platforms like Keap are known for their responsive and helpful customer service.

Remember, the initial setup might require some time and effort, but the long-term benefits of having a CRM far outweigh the initial investment. With all your client data organized and easily accessible, you’ll be better equipped to offer personalized coaching and grow your business.

Tips for Using a CRM Effectively

Using a CRM can revolutionize how you manage your life coaching business, but to truly harness its power, it’s essential to use it effectively. Here are some expanded tips, with a focus on Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) features that can enhance your CRM experience:

Stay Consistent:

  • Post-Session Updates: After each coaching session, take a few minutes to update the CRM with any new information or insights about the client. This could include progress notes, new goals set, or any challenges discussed.
  • Keap Tip: Keap’s easy-to-use interface lets you quickly add notes to a client’s profile. Navigate to the client’s contact record and add your session notes in the ‘Notes’ section. This ensures that all information is centralized and easily accessible for future reference.

Use Reminders:

  • Never Miss a Session: Setting reminders for upcoming sessions ensures that you and your client are prepared and punctual.
  • Follow-Up Reminders: If a client is going through a particularly challenging time or has achieved a significant milestone, setting a reminder to check in on them can make a difference in building trust.
  • Task Management: Beyond sessions, you need to keep track of other tasks related to your business, like marketing activities or administrative chores.
  • Keap Tip: Keap’s ‘Tasks’ feature is a lifesaver. You can set tasks for yourself, assign priority levels, and even set due dates. The ‘Reminders’ feature can be set to notify you of upcoming tasks or appointments, ensuring you’re always on top of your game.

Backup Your Data:

  • The Importance of Backups: In the digital age, data is invaluable. Regular backups ensure that your client data and business information remain safe even in the event of technical glitches or unforeseen issues.
  • Keap Tip: While Keap takes measures to secure and backup data, it’s always a good practice to have your own backup routine. You can easily export your data from Keap to a CSV file, which can then be stored securely. Regularly scheduled exports, say once a month, can give you peace of mind.

Dive Deeper with Keap:

  • Custom Fields: Keap allows you to create custom fields for client profiles. This is especially useful for life coaches, as you can tailor contact fields to capture unique information like life goals, personal challenges, or any specific metrics you track.
  • Automated Campaigns: One of Keap’s standout features is its ability to create automated campaigns. For instance, you can set up a campaign to automatically send a follow-up email after a session or a series of nurturing emails to potential clients.

While a CRM like Keap offers many features, its true power lies in how effectively you use it. By staying consistent, leveraging reminders, backing up data, and exploring advanced features, you can ensure that your CRM becomes an indispensable tool in your life coaching journey.

Expanding Your Use of CRM with Keap

As you delve deeper into the world of CRM, you’ll discover that it’s not just a tool for organization but a comprehensive platform that can transform your life coaching business. Keap, with its advanced features, stands out as a CRM that can elevate your client management and business growth. Let’s explore how Keap can enhance each of the areas mentioned:

Email Integration:

  • Seamless Communication with Keap: One of the standout features of Keap’s All-in-One CRM is its email integration. Instead of toggling between your email platform and CRM, you can manage all your communications directly within Keap.
    • Example: Imagine you’ve just finished a session with a client. Instead of switching to your email provider to send them a follow-up email, you can do it directly from their profile in Keap. This saves time and ensures that all communication records are stored in one place.

Marketing Tools:

  • Engage and Nurture with Keap: Beyond its CRM capabilities, Keap offers a suite of marketing tools designed to help you engage with your clients and prospects.
    • Newsletters: Keap’s easy-to-use templates allow you to design and send professional-looking newsletters, keeping your clients informed about new offerings, success stories, or general updates.
    • Special Offers: Planning to introduce a new coaching package or offer a discount? Use Keap to create and send targeted promotional emails to specific segments of your client base.
    • Example: Let’s say you’ve introduced a new group coaching session for stress management. Using Keap, you can segment your clients based on those who’ve previously expressed interest in stress reduction and send them a tailored email promoting the new session.


  • Data-Driven Insights with Keap: Understanding your clients is paramount in the coaching world. Keap’s analytics tools provide valuable insights into your client interactions, session trends, and even the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
    • Client Trends: Keap can help you identify patterns, like which months see the highest number of sessions or which coaching packages are most popular.
    • Areas of Improvement: By analyzing feedback or session frequency, you can identify areas where you might need to tweak your coaching approach or offer additional resources.
    • Growth Opportunities: Keap’s analytics can highlight potential areas for business expansion, such as introducing new coaching modules or targeting a specific client demographic.
    • Example: After analyzing your data in Keap, you might notice that many of your clients are looking for career-related guidance in the first quarter of the year. With this insight, you could introduce a special career coaching package or workshop during that period.

In essence, as you become more adept at using Keap, it’s not just a tool but a partner in your coaching journey. Its advanced features, tailored for businesses like life coaching, ensure you’re always equipped to offer the best to your clients and grow your practice.

Keaps dedication to hipaa compliance for life coaches

Keap’s Dedication to HIPAA Compliance: A Crucial Step for Life Coaches

In the world of life coaching, building trust and ensuring the confidentiality of client information is paramount. While life coaches may not typically handle medical records, the essence of HIPAA – safeguarding personal and sensitive information – is a principle that resonates deeply with the profession. When clients share their challenges, aspirations, and vulnerabilities, they must be confident that their information is treated with the utmost care and security.

Recognizing the significance of this trust, Keap has taken proactive measures to align its platform with the standards set by HIPAA. The company’s flagship CRM and marketing automation platform is now tailored to be used by HIPAA-covered entities and business associates. This means that life coaches, among other professionals, can lawfully store, transmit, and process protected health information (PHI) within Keap.

To further support this commitment:

  • Keap allows users to execute a standard Business Associate Agreement (BAA) that aligns with HIPAA and the HITECH Act requirements.
  • Users can easily configure their Keap app for HIPAA compliance by enabling the ‘HIPAA Security Controls’ within the platform settings.
  • Users receive a fully executed copy after activating these controls and signing the BAA, ensuring transparency and mutual understanding between both parties.

However, it’s essential to note that while Keap has integrated HIPAA-compliant features, certain functionalities, such as email, SMS, and VoIP (as well as the GroSocial and CustomerHub applications), remain outside the scope of this compliance.

Keap’s dedication to HIPAA compliance underscores its commitment to user trust and data security. For life coaches, this means an added layer of confidence in managing client relationships, ensuring that every interaction is backed by a platform prioritizing confidentiality and integrity.

A CRM transcends its role as a mere digital tool; for life coaches, it’s a transformative ally in their professional journey. In an industry where personal connections, trust, and consistent progress are at the forefront, a CRM becomes the backbone that supports and enhances these elements. By meticulously organizing client data, Keap ensures that no detail is overlooked, no matter how minute. This collected data becomes the foundation upon which personalized coaching plans can be built, tailored to each client’s unique journey and goals.

Furthermore, the scheduling capabilities of a CRM eliminate the administrative hassles of managing appointments. This means fewer missed sessions, timely follow-ups, and more productive interactions, allowing coaches to dedicate more time to what truly matters: the coaching itself.

One of the most significant advantages of a CRM is its ability to identify and present growth opportunities. By analyzing client data, feedback, and session trends, coaches can pinpoint expansion areas, develop new coaching modules, and even identify potential markets they hadn’t considered.

In essence, a CRM doesn’t just support the operational aspects of a coaching business; it actively contributes to its evolution and growth. For life coaches aiming to provide unparalleled value to their clients and continuously elevate their practice, integrating a CRM is not just a choice—it’s a strategic move toward excellence.

Deirdre Shockley


Deirdre Shockley is an Infusionsoft / Keap Certified Partner and WordPress enthusiast with over 15 years of experience in digital marketing.

She has successfully managed digital campaigns for a diverse group of clients, including lawyers, authors, fitness professionals, and medical spas, and a publishing company.

Deirdre's true passion lies in creating engaging membership websites using platforms like Keap, AccessAlly, and Memberium. Clients appreciate her technical skills and approachable nature, as she understands their vision and reflects their brand identity.

When not designing websites, Deirdre finds inspiration in kayaking and yoga. Trust Deirdre to deliver exceptional digital experiences for your business.

Infusionsoft Certified Consultant
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